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6 Reasons Rollins is the Perfect Place to Complete Your Degree

From affordable tuition to flexible degree programs, explore six reasons Rollins College is the perfect path to your brighter future.

5 Reasons It's Time to Jump-Start Your Career

Going back to school is a great way to jump-start your life and career. It provides a sense of accomplishment, growth, and makes you a more marketable candidate for not just any job, but the job you actually want.

Affording the South’s Top-Ranked College: 5 Myths You Should Know

Questions like “Can I even get in?” and “Could I afford it?” are natural. In fact, we hear them all the time. From admissions to aid, today we’re debunking the five main myths we hear from prospective students about getting a degree from Rollins.

4 Ways a Rollins Degree Can Change Your Life

When you start thinking about finishing your bachelor’s degree, it can be easy to only see one side of the coin. The great news is a Rollins degree not only allows you to immediately experience tangible career advancement results, but also provides long-term benefits as well.

5 Time Management Tips for Balancing College and Career

Time—it’s our most valuable resource and many of us feel as though there’s not enough of it. As you consider earning your degree, you’re probably wondering where on earth you’ll find the time to balance school, work, friends/family, health, and hobbies. Going back to school is definitely a time commitment, but not having enough time or the fear of balancing it all shouldn’t hold you back from pursuing your career goals.